The Village of Glendale Heights is excited to present the annual "Show & Shine" Car Show and Swap Meet on September 21st from 10:00am to 3:30pm at
Camera Park. The car show includes cars, food, music, games and crafts. Viewing admission is free! (Rain date is September 28th)
The "Show & Shine" Car Show has 18 vehicle classes. 3 trophies are awarded for each class. Setup time on the day of the event is 8:00am. Car owner voting occurs from 11:00am to 1:00pm. There will be 11 specialty trophies awarded including the "Best in Show" trophy.
Registration is $12 before September 13th, or $15 after. A list of the vehicle classes, along with the registration form, can be found on the car show flyer. Send the registration form and fee to:
"Show & Shine" c/o Village of Glendale Heights
300 Civic Center Plaza
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Bring those items you no longer need to the Swap Meet or show off your talents by entering in the craft fair. The cost to register for the swap meet or craft fair is $15. The registation may be found on the car show flyer.