The Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, or D.A.R.E., was founded in 1983 and developed as a
cooperative effort of the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Unified School District to prevent drug abuse in children and youth. Traditional drug abuse programs
dwell on the harmful effects of drugs. The emphasis of the D.A.R.E. program is to help students recognize and resist the many subtle pressures that influence them to experiment
with drugs, gangs, and violence. In addition, program strategies are planned to focus on feelings relating to self-esteem, interpersonal and communication skills, decision
making, and positive alternatives to drug abuse behavior.
The instructional guide for D.A.R.E. has been developed to assist police officers, school administrators, and teachers in the planning and implementation of a program of drug abuse resistance education for students in 5th grade.
The program content for D.A.R.E. is organized into ten 45 minute lessons, conducted by uniformed police officers.
D.A.R.E. offers a variety of activity-oriented techniques which are designed to encourage student-generated responses to problem-solving situations. An important element of D.A.R.E. is the use of student leaders who do not use drugs as positive role models in influencing younger students not to use drugs and to avoid gangs and violence.
The last lesson of D.A.R.E. is designed as a culminating assembly-type activity to which all classes involved in D.A.R.E. are invited.
For more information, you can contact one of our D.A.R.E. Officers Rigo Bernal or Ryan Sheehan.