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Village of Glendale Heights
Village of Glendale Heights
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Economic Development

The Village of Glendale Heights has a strong focus on economic development, which continues to be one of the Mayor and Village Board's highest priorities. Increased economic development improves property values, increases the tax base through property tax and sales tax, and lessens the tax burden on all property owners, as well as gives area residents more opportunities to shop and eat locally.

The Village has two main commercial corridors, Army Trail Road and North Avenue, as well as two additional corridors of Glen Ellyn Road and Bloomingdale Road. There has been significant development and redevelopment along these corridors and the Village is focused on continuing these efforts and improvements.

Business Attraction

Building Rendering

Village staff works with new businesses interested in locating within the Village by providing information about available sites and guiding them through the review and approval process. The Village has created the New Business Packet to provide potential business owners information about the approval process.

There are seven Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts within the Village, which were approved to help encourage economic development within selected areas. There may be funding available to assist businesses within these TIF Districts. Other incentives may also be available on a case by case basis. While the Village encourages new businesses, it has a strong fiscal responsibility to all taxpayers and evaluates any funding request carefully to confirm that any incentive includes a long-term investment from the business and well as the Village.

Business Retention

There are over 675 businesses in the Village, which have invested in the Village of Glendale Heights. Staff works with the existing businesses to address any issues that may arise and help them protect their investment. The Village has continued to invest in public infrastructure and recently improved flood control to assist not only residential property, but also significant commercial properties.


If you have any questions or would like additional information about economic development within the Village of Glendale Heights, please contact Zoning and Economic Development.