Patrol Operations is directed by Commander Gregory Pirtle, who is responsible for ensuring the department is serving the community in an appropriate manner.
The Patrol unit consists of six Sergeants supervising 34 Patrol Officers, five part-time Officers, four Community Service Officers, and one police services specialist. Basic responsibilities include all calls for service and assistance, constant patrols of the community, and traffic enforcement.
Besides basic duties, Patrol personnel are also responsible for the following special programs:
The Police Department has divided the Village into four areas called "beats." The formation of these beats was based upon the balancing of call loads within certain obvious geographical markers. Each beat has a Sergeant to coordinate officers assigned to assist the residents in their beat. The beat officers meet to discuss the needs and issues concerning their beats, such as methods that can be utilized to reduce crime, identification of problem areas, meeting and talking to the residents, recommendations for physical changes to a neighborhood (additional lighting, changes in traffic flows, parking changes, etc).